Terbelek2 ape tu? Daun teh ke? Daun pokok bunga yang ko petik haaa? Emm, emm, emm (nampak pulak mama sayup nun jauh di belakang ala-ala kecik aje aku tengok... Si baju biru bertudung gelap tu) Ohaiyo, i'm the BOSS aka owner of this blog.. For all, just visit this blog and don't complain haa.. If that happen, come n face me for the 'battle'.. If you all can read this faster, then I'll respect you!

"Betty Bought a Butter, But Betty's Butter was Bitter, so Betty Bought a Big of Better Butter"

info: i cannot challenge my papa coz he's the best into this.. Also how to link this dot by 4 lines without 'angkat' the pens?

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