Eppi Becedey!

Farish nyanyi, mama wt background music 

" Epi bedey cu yu, 
Epi bedey cu yu, 
Epi bedey cu papa, 
Epi bedey cu yu... "

although da belated majlis nye, but thanx to my wife n son coz remembered it! n thanx to opismate coz of the gift. My wife, adiah syg abg xdisplay tau!kohkohkoh

thanx to kak jah, kak yanti n ica for the black choc...cedap cgt2

emm, papa xrasmi lg, si 'hero kecik' nih da duduk ats choc aku...bangun weh..jgn centut tau!

syg!!!mne lilinnye?kita b4, apsal kek 2potong je? 

hbs dkerjakan 'kek' tuh...byk gak ko melantak aek farish?smpn papa sket

comotnye anak papa! sian mama kamu nk kne mop lantai kang...

thnx everyone!

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